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Designers Painting Tips

Filed in ADS Blog by on May 28, 2015 • views: 6284

Designer’s Painting Tips:

Planning a painting project?  Here are some interior designer guidelines that will help you achieve a desired effect.

1.        If you have already decided on white walls in a room, use the same shade in others to create continuity.

2.        To make a room appear large, paint all the way up to the ceiling.  Paint up to within 12 inches of a ceiling to “lower” it.

3.       If rooms are to be painted different colors (referred to as “color blocking”), select a neutral color for the hallway to reduce the possibility of colors clashing.  Consider using the same ceiling color throughout and make sure it works with all of your room colors.

4.       For a completely coordinated effect, tint the ceiling’s white with some of the wall’s color.